Schrödinger's Garden

Recently a good friend of mine and I entered into the Jardin de Metis competition in Canada.

I'll let the submitted text explain.

How would Edwin Schrödinger design a garden?

‘Schrödinger’s Garden’ borrows from the infamous quantum mechanics thought experiment 
Schrödinger’s Cat to re-present the classic form of the walled garden. Schrödinger’s Garden draws upon the ‘observer’s paradox’, that is, there is no outcome which is  certain unless it has been observed. By creating a condition whereby a garden cannot be physically experienced, we pose the question: can the existence of nature, and/or the thought of nature be  simultaneously existent and non-existent?

We propose a walled garden taking the form of a 10m x10m square, the contents of which 
change each year. Inaccessible for the entire installation period, its interior is only ever viewed 
through a video feed broadcast electronically. Oscillating between footage of the garden in both 
its present and past states – the video feed becomes a repository of ‘gardens’ both alive and dead 
– however, remaining ambiguous to what are the actual contents of the garden at present.
Thus, the existence of Schrödinger’s Garden is observed only as a probability. Never surveyed 
physically, the garden is tentatively poised between the real and the virtual, fully inhabiting neither 
one state nor the other.

Intellectually it was one of the most satisfying projects that I've worked on. Also working with a best mate so efficiently and intuitively is something that rarely happens for me. It also makes me think about teams and the nature collaboration. It is the most fragile of things but when it comes together is seems potentially prophetic.


Exploded Iso

Plan and Elevation
